Thursday, 31 July 2014

MSc completed

That’s it. Printed, bound and submitted. Three months of long days in the lab, countless sleepless nights in the library and it’s all over, MSc done. I stood outside of my course organiser’s office and contemplated my life without RNA. At first I felt lost and a bit disorientated, then I realised that I was severely sleep deprived and got myself home. As I lay in my bed the feeling of relief took over and I slept the sleep of angels. The relief is still overwhelming and know I can focus on my happiness and excitement at enjoying my summer and preparing for Warwick!

So in the midst of all the work and frustration I had the Acceptance Day at Warwick. It was a bit surreal walking into the medical teaching building and not having to convince anyone to pick me. Seeing all my future course mates it finally sank in that I will be a medical student come September. I even discovered that some people in my current Uni are due to start medicine this year too, its crazy that we met in Warwick when we’ve been sharing a building for the best part of a year.

We were ushered in the lecture theatre and bless them Warwick really tried to make it seem like we would all be ok. It wasn’t until the Q&A that they finally let us know the truth. Don’t get me wrong I always knew medicine would involve a lot of work but I didn’t know we only get two weeks of summer holidays after the first year! Well, as it was pointed out, it isn’t an abbreviated course it is an intensive course. Aside from that revelation I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day and it made coming back to the lab a bit anticlimactic. That was a month ago, a long arduous month full of pipetting, journal reading and procrastination.

Oh and I’ve found out I’ll be a resident tutor next year, so that’s accommodation sorted. Just need to get student finance so that I won’t be totally destitute when I start Uni in September, I’ve got a couple of weeks of invigilating so I should have some pennies when I start and free accommodation helps. Now that this MSc is over my excitement is returning and I’m looking forward to focusing on preparing for medicine and enjoying one of the last long summer I have left.